• Yeux : Bruns
  • Cheveux : Noirs
  • Taille : 5'09"
  • Poids (en livres) : 135
  • Groupe sanguin : A Rh+
  • CMV : +
  • Origine ethnique : Afghani
  • Ascendance juive : Non
  • Éducation/profession : Medical Degree in progress / Medical Student
  • Grossesse confirmée : Non

Résultats des tests génétiques

Description du Donneur

Tabish speaks with a soothing voice and has a charming laugh. He has an oval face; deep brown, medium-set, eyes; an olive complexion; and a relaxed smile with full lips. His active lifestyle hiking, skiing, and rock climbing keep him trim and fit.

Tabish is an affable man with a humble, altruistic nature. He is an intelligent donor who has an aptitude for mathematics, linguistics, and music. He plays the guitar, violin, and tuba! He has spent time in roughly 30 countries where he was immersed in many diverse cultures and has become proficient in multiple languages; he can carry on conversations in Spanish, Farsi, and English! After obtaining a degree in Mechanical Engineering he entered medical school. For Tabish, becoming a physician is a matter of being able to give care to people in underserved communities.

We think Tabish is an impressive guy who will use his talents to make a better place. We are excited to have him in our donor program!