• Yeux : Bruns
  • Cheveux : Noirs
  • Taille : 6'00"
  • Poids (en livres) : 170
  • Groupe sanguin : B Rh+
  • CMV : +
  • Origine ethnique : Asian, Chinese
  • Ascendance juive : Non
  • Éducation/profession : Cognitive Science B.S. / Student
  • Grossesse confirmée : Non
  • Informed Consent Form

Résultats des tests génétiques

Description du Donneur

Torrey is a handsome and ambitious college student who is pursuing a bachelor's degree in cognitive science. He has an oval-shaped face that is framed by thick, lustrous hair. His skin is clear and smooth, complementing his attractive features such as his full lips, arched brows, and small nose with a straight bridge and refined tip. His dedication to exercise and healthy eating is evident in his toned physique and glowing complexion.

Torrey is particularly interested in machine learning, which he sees as an exciting and rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. He is an intelligent and driven individual who is passionate about his studies. He approaches his academics with an analytical mind and an insatiable curiosity, always eager to learn and explore new ideas. Despite his academic focus, Torrey is also an athletic and active young man. He enjoys working out at the gym and playing basketball with his friends. In addition to working out, Torrey also enjoys cooking, and he's developed a talent for Italian cooking and grilling steak. We think he is an impressive and well-rounded individual who is sure to succeed in whatever he sets his mind to!