• Eyes: Blue/Green
  • Hair: Red
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight (lbs): 140
  • Blood: A Rh-
  • CMV: -
  • Ethnicity: British, Caucasian, French, German, Irish
  • Jewish Ancestry: No
  • Education/Occupation: Ph.D. in Ecology; B.S. in Political Science / Lab Technician
  • Live Birth / Pregnancy Confirmed: No
  • Informed Consent Form

Test Results

Donor Description

December is a handsome donor with a slender build, striking red hair, bright, blue-green eyes, and a fair complexion with adorable freckles. He has an oval with a shapely, medium-sized nose, full lips,  and attractive, proportionate features.

December is a postdoctoral scholar who is doing ecological research focusing on lakes and streams. He is intelligent, driven, and passionate about his scientific endeavors and environmental policy and conservation. He has an engaging and approachable conversation style and he enjoys talking about his hobbies, academic pursuits, current events, travel, food, and culture. He deeply values education, his family, the outdoors, promoting inclusivity, and celebrating diverse cultural practices. He is an amazing option for those seeking a donor who is both incredibly intelligent and socially adept.